Load Tester 4.3 New Features - Web Performance

Load Tester™

Affordable enterprise-quality load testing tool

Authentication Support

The thing about authentication protocols is these are features that should just work - they should be neither seen nor heard - and we have made them nearly transparent to testers. But for those of you who, like us, really geek out on network protocols, changes to the testcase editor make it easier to see exaclty what happens under the covers.

NTLM/Integrated Windows Authentication

The configuration for Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA), a.k.a. NTLM, can now be quickly changed on the Identity page of the testcase properties - re-running the User Identity wizard is no longer needed. Testcases originally recorded without IWA can now use IWA without re-recording - just supply the user credentials! The reverse case is also supported. Load Tester now accurately simulates IE9's speculative authentication (which is an IE performance improvement). The ASM wizard, which automatically configures dynamic fields, now understands IWA better and can configure fields more accurately, especially for AJAX apps.


Load Tester can record and replay testcases on most Microsoft systems that require Kerberos authentication (see caveat).

Authenticating Proxy Servers

Testcase recording and replay works through authenticating proxy servers, as well as the rest of the product, including the support request wizard, new version notification, software updater and cloud engines.

Basic Authentication

Basic authentication is now entirely automatic using the User Identity configured for the testcase - even if it did not occur during the recording.

User Identity Page

User Identity page in the testcase properties allows you to configure the user identity in one place for Integrated Windows Authentication, Kerberos, Basic and Authenticating Proxies.

Configuring a User Identity



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